I help you communicate with your audience by translating or interpreting your ideas into natural-sounding messages in my working languages

Interpreters are like ducks: they look calm and unruffled above the surface,
but below the surface they paddle like hell.

- Welcome
Hi, nice to meet you!
I’m Giacomo Collini, Idiomatica’s founder, CEO, marketing manager, HR director, accountant… and more!
In other words, I’m the person behind this business, allowing you to spread your message further.
I fell in love with interpreting at first sight while watching TV as a child. A guest was speaking in English, when an Italian voice suddenly came on to repeat his words in real time for the audience.
That was magic.
I must have been 8 or 9 and I remember resolutely promising my parents: “When I grow up, I will study languages, travel the world and do that same thing”.
Twenty years later, I have kept that promise and became a travelling conference interpreter and translator.
There is nothing that makes me feel more fulfilled than pushing the “open mic” button and talking about anything and everything in another language, while getting your message across.
- My experience
Professional Timeline
Now that you know where I come from,
here are a few key things you need to know about me:
Professional Memberships

A full member of TradInfo, an association of interpreters and translators who graduated from the Department of Interpreting and Translation in Forlì (UniBo)

An associate member of AITI, the Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters

A member of ACTA, the official Italian Freelancers Association

A member of CNA, the Italian National Association of Crafts and Small and Medium Businesses
As of January 2021, I have also become a pre-candidate of AIIC, the International Association of Conference Interpreters.
You will feel safer to know that, by belonging to these associations, I am bound by strict Codes of Conduct. I will never reveal confidential information about the assignment I do for you, nor will I post photos on social media without your consent.
As I care about staying relevant in an ever-changing world, I have also joined Techforword Insiders, an online community of tech-savvy, innovative language professionals who never grow tired of integrating new technological solutions into their work to make their processes smarter.
- "AI tools for the (human) work of interpreters and translators" (3 hours) by Cabina Doppia
- “Beyond the asterisk. Inclusive translation and localisation practices” (6 hours) by fellow translator Luigi Borriello on behalf of TradInfo
- “Machine Translation and CAT tools – The MateCat case” (6 hours) by fellow translator Matteo Tirelli on behalf of TradInfo
- “Rock your English Retour” (2 hours) by Sophie Lewellyn Smith on behalf of AITI
- “Digital and Social Media Marketing – Intermediate” (32 hours), by TECHNE training centre
- “Digital and Social Media Marketing – Beginner” (32 hours ), by TECHNE training centre
- “A voice that smiles”, a course on how to use your voice correctly (6 hours), by Bianca Simone on behalf of TradInfo
- “Communicating and translating without discriminating: inclusive and accessible language in 2022” (2 hours), by Alice Orrù on behalf of AITI
- “Professional development programme for lecturers in dialogue interpreting” (4 hours), by Ana María Pérez Fernández, PhD Candidate at the University of Vigo.
- “Tablet interpreting and other tools for consecutive interpreting” (3 hours) by Cabina Doppia
- “LinkedIn Plus with Mirko Saini” (6 hours) by Italian LinkedIn guru Mikro Saini on behalf of AITI
- “How to review a translated text – Beginner and Advanced” (12 hours) by Mercedes Ariza on behalf of TradInfo
- "Find your own authentic identity", personal branding and Tone of Voice course for interpreters and translators (2 hours) by Valentina Falcinelli on behalf of AITI
- “The gender issue: inclusivity and translation” (3 hours) by sociolinguist Vera Gheno on behalf of AITI
- “Tools and technologies for the individual practice of interpreting” (6 hours) by Cabina Doppia
- “Simultaneous Interpreting on Zoom" (3 hours) by Cabina Doppia.
- “Innovation in Interpreting Summit 2021”
- “Website localisation” (7,5 hours) by Anna Colagè on behalf of Langue&Parole
- “Transcreation for International Marketing” (4,5 hours) by Claudia Benetello on behalf of TradInfo
- “Transcreation for International Marketing” (4,5 hours) by Claudia Benetello on behalf of TradInfo
- “How to get the clients you want” (6 hours) by Francesca Manicardi on behalf of TradInfo
- “Content writing for translators” (on-demand course) by Natalie Lekka
- “Interpreting for refugees: contexts, practices and ethics” (12 hours, online) by The University of Glasgow